Articles & Book Chapters:
- Otjes, S. and Rasmussen, A. (forthcoming) ‘Sources of Elected Representatives’ (Mis)Perceptions of Public Opinion: The Role of Self-Projection and Interest Groups’, accepted by the Journal of Politics.
- Eady, G. and Rasmussen, A. (2024) ‘Gendered Perceptions and the Costs of Political Toxicity: Experimental Evidence from Politicians and Citizens in Four Democracies’ American Political Science Review.
- Lucas, J., Scheffer, L., Loewen, P., Walgrave, S., Soontjens, K., Amsalem, E, Bundi, P., Varone, F., Bailer, S, Brack, N., Breunig, C. Coufalová, L., Dumont, P., Pereira, M., Persson, M., Pilet, J-B., Rasmussen, A. and, Sterba, M-B. (2024) ‘Politicians’ Theories of Voting Behaviour’, American Political Science Review.
- Rasmussen, A. and Reher S. (2024) ‘Public opinion towards Interest groups: The differential impact of ties to cause and business groups’, European Journal of Political Research.
- Egerod, Benjamin, Rasmussen, A. and Ploeg, J. van der (2024) ‘Revolving Door Benefits? The Consequences of the Revolving Door for Political Access’, Interest Groups and Advocacy.
- Rasmussen, A. and Otjes, S. (2024) ‘Responding to Whom? An Experimental Study of the Dynamics of Responsiveness to Interest Groups and the Public’, Journal of European Public Policy.
- Junk, W and Rasmussen, A (2023) ‘Are Citizens Responsive to Interest Groups? A Field Experiment on Lobbying and Intended Citizen Behavior’, West European Politics (Winner of the 2024 Gordon Smith & Vincent Wright Memorial Prize).
- Rasmussen, A and Reher, S (2023) ‘(Inequality in) Interest Group Involvement and the Legitimacy of Policy-Making’, British Journal of Political Science.
- Eady, G and Rasmussen, A (2022) ‘The Unequal Effects of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Political Interest Representation’, Political Behavior.
- Allern, E., Hansen, V. W., Rødland, L., Røed, M., Gall, C. L., Klüver, H, Marshall, D., Otjes, S, Pogunkte, T., Rasmussen, A, Saurugger, S., Webb, P. and Witko, C. (2022) ‘Introducing the Party-Interest Group Relationships in Contemporary Democracies (PAIRDEM) Datasets‘, Party Politics.
- Rasmussen, A. and Willems, E. (2021) ‘Interest Groups, Public Opinion and Political Representation’, Palgrave Encyclopedia of Interest Groups.
- Rasmussen, A., Buhmann-Holmes, N and Egerod, B (2021) ‘The Executive Revolving Door: New dataset on the Career Moves of former Danish Ministers and Permanent Secretaries’, Scandinavian Political Studies.
- Allern, E., Klüver, H., Marshall, D., Otjes, S., Rasmussen, A. and Witko, C. (2021) ‘Policy Positions, Power and Interest Group-Party Lobby Routines’, Journal of European Public Policy.
- Rasmussen, A., Binderkrantz, A.S. and Klüver, H. (2021) ‘Organized Interests in the Media and Policy Congruence: The Contingent Impact of the Status Quo’, European Journal of Political Research.
- De Bruycker, I. and Rasmussen, A. (2021) ‘Blessing or Curse for Congruence? How interest groups affect congruence between citizens and elected representatives’, Journal of Common Market Studies.
- Allern, E., Hansen, V.W., Otjes, S., Rasmussen A., Roed, M., and Bale, T. (2021) ‘All about the Money? A Cross-national Study of Individual Parties’ Relations with Trade Unions in Twelve Western Democracies’, Party Politics 27(3).
- Junk, W., Romeijn, J. and Rasmussen, A., (2020) ‘Is this a men’s world? On the need to study descriptive representation of women in lobbying and policy advocacy’, Journal of European Public Policy.
- Allern, E., Hansen, V.W., Marshall, D., Rasmussen A. and Webb, P. (2020) ‘Competition and Interaction: Party Ties to Interest Groups in a Multidimensional Policy Space’, European Journal of Political Research.
- Toshkov, D., Mäder, L. and Rasmussen, A. (2020) ‘Party Government and Policy Responsiveness. Evidence from three parliamentary democracies‘, Journal of Public Policy 40(2).
- Rasmussen, A. (2019) ‘Celebrating an Unrepentant Pluralist in “Interest Group Land”: Dave Lowery and his contribution to Interest Group Research’ in Flight of Wisdom. On the Importance of Community in interest representation and academic progress, Liber Amicorum for David Lowery.
- Dionigi, M.K. and Rasmussen, A. (2019). ‘The Ordinary Legislative Procedure (OLP)’. In Oxford Encyclopedia of European Union Politics. Oxford University Press.
- Rasmussen, A. (2019) ‘Policy Representation in Europe: the 2018 Peter Mair Lecture’, Open Access, Irish Political Studies 34(3).
- Rasmussen, A. and Reher S. (2019) ‘Civil Society Engagement and Policy Representation in Europe’, Open Access, Comparative Political Studies 52(11).
- Flöthe, L. and Rasmussen, A. (2019) ‘Public Voices in the Heavenly Chorus? Group Type Bias and Opinion Representation’, Open Access, Journal of European Public Policy 26(6).
- Junk, W.M. and Rasmussen, A. (2019) ‘Framing by the Flock: Collective Issue Definition and Advocacy Success’, Open Access, Comparative Political Studies 52(4).
- Rasmussen, A., Reher, S. and Toshkov, D. (2019) ‘The Opinion-Policy Nexus in Europe and the Role of Political Institutions’, Open Access, European Journal of Political Research 58(2).
- Rasmussen, A., Mäder, L and Reher, S. (2018) ‘With a Little Help from the People? The Role of Public Opinion in Advocacy Success’, Comparative Political Studies 51(2).
- Rasmussen, A., Romeijn, J. and Toshkov, D. (2018) ‘Dynamics of Regulatory Policymaking in Sweden: The Role of Media Advocacy and Public Opinion’, Scandinavian Political Studies 41(1).
- Bevan, S. and Rasmussen, A. (2017) ‘When Does Government Listen to the Public? Voluntary Associations and Dynamic Agenda Representation in the United States’, Open Access, Policy Studies Journal.
- Carroll, B.J. and Rasmussen, A. (2017) ‘Cultural Capital and the density of organized interests lobbying the European Parliament‘, Open Access, West European Politics 40(5).
- Otjes, S. and Rasmussen, A. (2017) ‘The Legacy of Pillarization. Trade Union Confederations and Political Parties in the Netherlands’ in Elin Allern and Tim Bale (eds) Left-of-centre Parties and Trade Unions in the Twenty-First Century, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Alexandrova, P., Rasmussen, A. and Toshkov, D. (2016) ‘Agenda Responsiveness in the European Council: Public Priorities, Policy Problems and Political Attention’, West European Politics, 39(4).
- Van der Graaf, A., Otjes, S. and Rasmussen A. (2016) ‘Weapon of the Weak? The Social Media Landscape of Interest Groups’, European Journal of Communication 31(2).
- Binderkrantz, A. and Rasmussen, A. (2015) ‘Comparing the Domestic and EU Lobbying Context: Perceived Agenda-setting Influence in the Multi-level System of the European Union’, Journal of European Public Policy 22(4).
- Otjes, S. and Rasmussen, A. (2015) ‘The Collaboration between interest groups and political parties in multi-party democracies: Party system dynamics and the effect of power and ideology’, Party Politics, OnlineFirst.
- Berkhout, J., Carroll, B., Braun, C., Chalmers, A., Destrooper, T., Lowery, D., Otjes, S. and Rasmussen A. (2015) ‘Interest Organizations across Economic Sectors: Explaining Interest Group Density in the European Union’, Journal of European Public Policy 22(4).
- Pedersen, H.H., Halpin, D. and Rasmussen, A. (2015) ‘Who Gives Evidence to Parliamentary Committees? A Comparative Investigation of Parliamentary Committees and their Constituencies’, Journal of Legislative Studies 21(3).
- Rasmussen, A. and Gross V. (2015) ‘Biased Access? Exploring Selection to Advisory Committees’, European Political Science Review, 7(3).
- Rasmussen, A. (2015) ‘Participation in Written Government Consultations in Denmark and the UK: System and actor-level effects’, Government and Opposition 50(2).
- Baroni, L., Carroll, B., Chalmers, A., Marquez, L. M. M. and Rasmussen, A. (2014) ‘Defining and Classifying Interest Groups’, Interest Groups and Advocacy 3(2).
- Rasmussen, A., Carroll, B. and Lowery, D. (2014) ‘Representatives of the Public? Public Opinion and Interests Group Activity’, European Journal of Political Research 53(2).
- Rasmussen A. and Carroll B. (2014) ‘Determinants of upper-class dominance in the heavenly chorus: Lessons from European Commission online consultations’, British Journal of Political Science 44(2).
- Rasmussen, A. and Lindeboom G.J. (2014) ‘Party Strategies towards interest groups in a Europeanized Europe’, pp. 70-104 in Sandra Kroger (ed.) Political Representation in the European Union: Democracy in a Time of Crisis, Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge.
- Rasmussen, A. (2014) ‘Denmark and the European Parliament’, pp. 126-44 in Lee Miles and Anders Wivel (eds.) Denmark and the European Union, Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge.
- Burns, C., Rasmussen, A. and Reh, C. (2013) ‘Legislative Co-decision and its Impact on the Political System of the European Union’, Journal of European Public Policy 20(7).
- Rasmussen A. and Reh, C. (2013) ‘The Consequences of Concluding Codecision Early: Trilogues and Intrainstitutional Bargaining Success’, Journal of European Public Policy 20(7).
- Rasmussen A. and Lindeboom, G. J. (2013) ‘Interest Group-party linkage in the twenty-first century: Evidence from Denmark, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom’, European Journal of Political Research 52(2).
- Rasmussen A. and Toshkov, D. (2013) ‘The Effect of Stakeholder Involvement on Legislative Duration: Consultation of External Actors and Legislative Duration’, European Union Politics 14(3).
- Rasmussen A. (2012) ‘Twenty Years of Co-decision since Maastricht: Inter- and intrainstitutional implications’, Journal of European Integration 34(7).
- Rasmussen A. and Alexandrova, P. (2012) ‘Foreign interests lobbying Brussels: Participation of non-EU members in Commission consultations’, Journal of Common Market Studies 50(4).
- Rasmussen, A. (2012) ‘Interest group – party interaction in EU politics’, Party Politics 18(1).
- Toshkov, D. and Rasmussen, A (2012) ‘Time to Decide: The Effect of Early Agreements on Legislative Duration in the EU’, European Integration Online Papers 16(11).
- Alexandrova, P., Lindeboom, G.-J. & Rasmussen, A. (2011) ‘Involvement of Asian Actors in EU Policy-Making in Comparative Perspective’, Australian and New Zealand Journal of European Studies, 3(2).
- Rasmussen A. (2011) ‘Early Conclusion in Bicameral Bargaining: Evidence from the Co-decision Legislative Procedure of the European Union’, European Union Politics 12(1).
- Rasmussen A. (2011) ‘Procedural dis(obedience) in Bicameral Bargaining in the United States and the European Union’, Journal of European Integration 33(3).
- Naurin, D. and Rasmussen A. (2011) ‘New External Rules, New Internal Games: How the EU Institutions Respond when Inter-institutional Rules Change’, West European Politics 34(1).
- Rasmussen A. and Toshkov, D. (2011) ‘The Inter-institutional Division of Power and Time Allocation in the European Parliament’, West European Politics 34(1).
- Rasmussen, A. (2008) ‘Party soldiers in a non-partisan Community? Party linkage in the European Parliament’, Journal of European Public Policy 15(8).
- Lindberg, B., Rasmussen A. and Warntjen, A. (2008) ‘Party Politics as Usual? The role of political parties in EU legislative decision-making’, Journal of European Public Policy 15(8).
- Rasmussen, A. (2008) ‘The EU Conciliation Committee: One or Several Principals?’, European Union Politics, 9(1).
- Rasmussen, A. (2007) ‘Challenging the Commission’s Right of Initiative? Conditions for institutional change and stability’West European Politics, 30(2).
- Rasmussen, A. (2005) ‘EU Conciliation Delegates – Responsible or runaway agents?’ West European Politics 28(5).
- Rasmussen, A. (2003) ‘The Role of the Commission in Co-decision: A Strategic Facilitator Operating in a situation of structural disadvantage’, European Integration Online Papers, vol. 7, no. 10.
Books and Journal Special Issues:
- Rasmussen, A., Burns C. and Reh C. (2013) Twenty Years of Legislative Codecision in the European Union: Experience and Implications, Special issue of the Journal of European Public Policy (vol 20 no. 7). Also published as an edited volume by Routledge in 2014. Title: Legislative Co-decision in the European Union – Experience over Twenty years and Implications.
- Naurin, D. and Rasmussen A. (2011) Linking inter- and intrainstitutional change in the European Union, Special issue of West European Politics (vol 34 no 1). Also published as an edited volume by Routledge in 2012 including one additional chapter. Title: Dynamics of Change in the European Union.
- Jensen, M. D., Rasmussen, A. and Willumsen, D. (2009). Europa-Parlamentet, Copenhagen: Thomsen-Reuters
- Lindberg, B., Rasmussen A., and Warntjen, A. (2008) The Role of Political Parties in the European Union, Special issue of the Journal of European Public Policy (vol. 15, no. 8). Also published as an edited volume by Routledge in 2009.
- Rasmussen, A. (2006) Delegation and Political Influence: Conference committees in the European Union and the USA, Copenhagen: University of Copenhagen.
Recent outreach (examples):
- Piece on (01.03.23) presenting recent research conducted with Gregory Eady ‘How local elected officials navigate experiences of hostility on social media’.
- Coverage of recent research on the Revolving Door in a) live Danish TV News (DR2 Deadline, 28.07.21), Available here (the discussion starts app 16 min into the program and finishes after 32 min), b) (26.07.21), available here, c) Danish Radio4 morning live (27.07.21), available here (starts 42 min into the program).
- Podcast: The Persuaders podcast (episode 4) with Professor Anne Rasmussen, Interviewed by Anders Kopp from ULobby, available via Apple podcasts.
- Interview with https://ræ (19.02.21) ‘Lobbyismeekspert Anne Rasmussen: Erhvervsinteresserne i EU fik en fordel, da coronakrisen ramte’ .
- Interview with POLITICOEurope on the impact of COVID-19 on bias in interest representation in Europe (19.02.21) (memo & working paper here).
- Daily opt-ed Politiken (03.01.21): ‘Svingdøren mellem Politik og Erhvervsliv er Pivåben’ (with N Buhmann-Holmes & B Egerod).
- Interview with Science Report (21.11.20) ‘EUs forskningsbudget boostes med fire milliarder Euro’.
- Daily opt-ed Politiken (16.07.20) ‘Har Corona krisen været en fest for lobbyister?’
- LSE Europpblog (17.06.20) ‘How has Covid-19 changed lobbying activity across Europe?’
- LSE Democratic audit blog (29.11.18) ‘Many interest groups are more in line with public preferences than commonly thought’ (with L Flöthe).
- LSE Europpblog (20.09.18) ‘Framing and Lobbying Success: Why it pays to work as a team’ (with W Junk).
- LSE Europpblog (31.05.17) ‘No longer going steady, but playing the field’ (with S Otjes).
- Audio & TV: @BBCWorld Business Report (06.06.19), @BBCWorld Update (05.06.19), @trtworld (05.06.19), @TVSYD News (23.11.20).
- Podcast: ‘Eftertanker #3.1: Interesseorganisationernes indflydelse på demokratiet’, Department of Political Science Copenhagen, interviewed by W Junk.